We want you to feel confident that all of your store credit is right where it should be . . . in your account!
The first thing to note is that there may be a delay in our systems communication and store credit could take anywhere from minutes to several hours to appear in your account.
Some rewards have a time buffer built in and will only add to your account after a set period to ensure you fulfil the requirements. This will be clearly stated on our Reward page when it applies, or any other place where you saw the incentive.
If you feel like you earned store credit but it is not showing up in your account you can also troubleshoot it with these tricks:
* Try to refresh your browser.
* Try to log out and then back into your account.
* Check the ‘Rewards history’ in your Rewards account to see if the store credit is listed there. Your ‘Rewards history’ will show the amount of store credit earned to date, how and when it was earned, and any redemptions made on your account.
If you still feel like your store credit balance is not accurate you can contact our support team via support.ooni.com and they will look into the issue for you.