The Recovery Calzone

At Ooni HQ, we make and eat pizza most days of the week. However, no matter how practised you are at making, stretching, topping and launching your pizza, there are times when it just doesn’t work out.

Maybe you’ve started topping your pizza and suddenly you realise there are holes in the base. Or, you’ve overstretched your dough and it ends up way too thin, and splits when you layer up your toppings. Maybe you might’ve forgotten to flour your peel before you laid out your pizza base and now it’s stuck and won’t slide off the peel into the oven.

No matter the scenario, please don’t fear – your pizza can still be salvaged!

This is where the Recovery Calzone comes in to save the day. This is a handy trick for when you don’t want your problem pizza to become a total fail. These steps will work for a pizza base that has a hole or holes on one side, but not all across the base.

 The Recovery Calzone