1. Prepare the pre-fermented poolish using 300 grams ‘00’ flour, 300 milliliters room temperature water, and 2 grams fresh yeast (or roughly half of each).
2. Put the flour in a bowl, then dissolve the yeast in the water and gradually add it in, mixing with a fork.
3. Place in a low rectangular container and rest for 12 hours at room temperature (approximately 16-18°C), followed by another 2 hours in the refrigerator.
4. Once the poolish has fermented, it can be added to the rest of the ingredients.
5. Mix at the lowest speed for 5 minutes to ensure the ingredients are fully mixed.
6. The final dough mix will be smooth and silky in texture.
7. Mix for about another 3 rotations and remove the dough.
8. Allow the dough to rest for 10 minutes, then fold the dough into a large ball.
9. Place the dough in an airtight greased container and rest for 2 hours at room temperature.
10. Fold the dough twice more and place it in the fridge for another 2 hours.
11. Take the dough out of the fridge and shape into balls, dividing it into four 270-gram units.
12. After the dough has proofed, prepare the bottom of your blue iron pan or cast iron skillet, spreading the oil evenly and using a paper towel to remove any excess.
13. Lay the risen dough in the pan and stretch it out gently using your fingertips, pressing toward the edges of the pan to distribute the dough evenly across the whole surface.
14. Cover with foil and allow the dough to rise a second time, for 3 hours at room temperature or one hour in an oven which has been turned off but with pilot light still on.
15. Half an hour before making your pizza, prepare the topping.
16. Fire up your oven, aiming for 575°F to 660°F (300°C to 350°C) on the baking stone inside.
17. Before placing the pizza in the oven, remove the foil and use a spray bottle full of water to coat the dough.
18. Lower the flame on your oven by turning the knob (if using a gas burner) or refraining from topping up the fuel tray (if using solid fuel).
19. Remove the pizza from the oven and take off the foil.
20. Extract the pizza from the pan using a spatula and allow it to cool on a cooling rack or cutting board.
21. Once cooled, cover the top of the pizza with pastry cream.
22. Finish off with a garnish of white chocolate chips, chopped pistachios, and powdered sugar.