1. For this recipe you’ll need to prepare your dough ahead of time, starting 7 hours before you’re ready to cook the Manoushe.
For this recipe you’ll need to prepare your dough ahead of time, starting 7 hours before you’re ready to cook the Manoushe
2. In a large bowl combine the flour, water, salt, and sourdough and mix together with your fingers until a wet dough forms.
Transfer the dough to your worktop and knead until smooth.
3. Place the dough back in the bowl and cover with a damp tea cloth.
Leave to prove at room temperature for 6 hours (If you’re using instant yeast, you’ll only need 2 hours of proving time).
4. Once your dough has proved, divide the dough into 3 or 4 equal pieces.
Shape into balls, cover, and leave to rest for a further 45 minutes.
5. Fire up your Ooni pizza oven.
6. In a bowl, mix together the olive oil and Za'atar seasoning.
In a bowl, mix together the olive oil and Za'atar seasoning. Set aside.
7. Using a small amount of flour, dust your Ooni pizza peel.
Using a small amount of flour, dust your Ooni pizza peel. Using your fingers to push the air from the centre to the crust, stretch the dough ball to a small flatbread shape and lay it on your peel. With a large spoon, spread an even layer of the Za’atar mix across the base.
8. Slide the Manoushe off the peel and into your Ooni pizza oven, making sure to rotate regularly.
Cook for a minute, or until the base is cooked and the edges turn golden brown.
9. Once cooked, remove the flatbread from the oven.
Finish with your toppings of choice, or keep it simple and serve right away!