1. Heat your Ooni oven to 315 °C.
2. Toss carrots with 30 grams olive oil and 10 grams salt, using your hands to ensure that all parts of the carrots are coated.
3. Place carrots in one even layer in your cast iron skillet, cutting the carrots to fit if needed.
4. Put your skillet in the oven and roast for 10 to 12 minutes.

5. While the carrots are cooking, prepare the salsa verde.

6. Remove the carrots from the oven and cool until you can comfortably handle them.
7. Slicing on a bias, cut carrots into 2.

8. Mix 5 grams of cracked black pepper and a drizzle of olive oil into ricotta.
9. To plate the dish, spread ricotta evenly across your serving plate, top with roasted carrots and sprinkle a few mint leaves and some crunchy salt on top.