1. Put water, yeast, flour and salt into a stand mixer bowl and mix for 1 minute.
2. Remove the dough hook, cover the dough in the mixing bowl and allow it to rest (bulk ferment) at room temperature for 2 hours.
3. Portion dough into 2 x 500-gram pieces.
4. Prepare the pan.

5. Drizzle and rub olive oil on top of the dough, then cover it with plastic wrap or a kitchen towel.

6. Remove the covering, then press your fingers into the dough in a random way to make dimples and push some of the air out (as you did before).

7. After 1 hour, remove the covering, dimple the dough one last time and press the outside of the dough against the sides of the pan to create a slightly raised-edge crust.

8. Done! For cooking instructions, refer to our Pan-fried Sicilian Pizza recipe.