Chocolate, Caramel and Peanut Candy Bar Pizza

Sweet and salty, this dessert pizza is an elevated version of a Halloween fun-size candy bar (cough, Snickers, cough). Designed to please adults and little ones alike, it’s got a pastry cream base that’s covered in zigzags of chocolate and caramel. Chopped peanuts sprinkled on post-bake add a dash of salt and crunch. 

While the toppings are designed to be approachable (and make ready-made substitutions easy), we do recommend making everything from scratch. Never made pastry cream before? This custard comes together quickly on the stovetop, and with a few “tells” to watch for, it’s easy for a beginner. We like to make our own caramel and chocolate, but store-bought caramel sauce and hot fudge will work just as well. 

When it comes to the pizza dough, use your favorite recipe for a Neapolitan-style dough. Our crust is parbaked with only the pastry cream on top; we drizzle on the  rest of the toppings afterward, while the crust is still hot, so they gently melt together. 

The name of the Halloween game might be trick-or-treating, but who needs a bag full of candy when you’ve got a Snickers-inspired pizza on your table? 

Chocolate, Caramel and Peanut Candy Bar Pizza


Pro tip: Using a squirt bottle to apply the chocolate sauce and caramel will allow you to make those precise, Instagram-worthy lines. If you don’t want to involve more equipment, spooning the toppings on, while not as neat, will be just as delicious. 

1. This recipe would suit a variety of pizza styles, but we think our classic pizza dough would be a great fit.

This recipe would suit a variety of pizza styles, but we think our classic pizza dough would be a great fit. Make sure to prepare your dough ahead of time to ensure it rises at room temperature before firing up your oven.

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2. To make the caramel, add the sugar and water to a small saucepan, stir together to make a paste, and set on the stovetop at medium-high heat.

Let the mixture come to a simmer until golden amber, about 4 minutes. Swirl the mixture occasionally, but be sure not to stir it, since this can make the texture of the caramel grainy.

3. If you’re using a candy thermometer, aim for 350°F (176°C) to keep from overcooking the sugar, which can make the caramel bitter.

When the caramel is a golden amber color, turn off the heat and immediately add the cream, stirring constantly with a heatproof, nonstick spatula.

4. Once the cream is incorporated, add the butter one cube at a time, stirring until each is incorporated before adding the next piece.

Season with salt and pour into the squeeze bottle.

5. For the pastry cream, add the whole milk and vanilla to a medium saucepan and bring to just below simmering (you’re looking for occasional, small bubbles and little wisps of steam).

6. Meanwhile, add the sugar, cornstarch, and egg to a separate mixing bowl and whisk until incorporated.

Temper the mixture by ladling¼ of the warm milk and vanilla into the bowl, stirring constantly to bring the mixture to temperature without cooking the egg.

7. Once tempered, pour the mixture back into the saucepan, whisking constantly, and cook until the custard thickens.

Bring the mixture close to boiling — you may see some bubbles — but be careful not to curdle the egg by cooking at too high of a heat. When the custard is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon, remove from the heat and immediately strain through a sieve into a bowl. Let cool for about 10 minutes, or until the cream comes down to 140°F (60°C). When slightly cooled, whisk in the butter. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap to prevent a skin forming, then chill the bowl over ice.

8. For the chocolate sauce, place the chocolate, butter and heavy cream in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave on high for 60 seconds, stopping every 15 seconds to stir.

If the mixture is a little thick, stir in very small amounts of water until smooth. (You shouldn’t need more than 10 grams of water.)  

9. Fire up your oven, aiming for 850°F to 950°F (450°C to 500°C) on the stone baking board inside.

Use an infrared thermometer to quickly and accurately check the temperature of the stone.

10. Place a dough ball on your lightly floured work surface.

Push the air from the center out to the edge with your fingers. Stretch the dough out to a 12-inch-round base, and then lay the stretched dough over your lightly floured pizza peel or countertop. With the back of a spoon, spread one-sixth of the pastry cream onto the dough, then launch the pizza into the oven.

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11. Cook for 60-90 seconds, turning to ensure an even bake.

Remove from the oven when finished and place on a cutting board.

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12. To build the pizza, sprinkle some of the roasted peanuts evenly over the pastry cream.

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13. Then, using a squeeze bottle or spoon, drizzle the caramel sauce over the pizza in a zigzag pattern.

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14. Next, drizzle the chocolate sauce over the top.

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15. Sprinkle with sea salt, slice, and enjoy.

Repeat all steps for the remaining pizzas.

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16. Psst: If you dip into the extra caramel, our lips are sealed.

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