Cheeseburger Pizza

Our cheeseburger pizza has all the elements of the best kind of burger: melty cheese, perfectly cooked meat, sliced onion. Our stomachs are grumbling just thinking about it. With a post-bake addition of tangy special sauce, fresh diced tomatoes and crunchy shredded lettuce (aka shredduce), we found ourselves transported to the cookouts of our youth where the typical grilled patties were the stars of the show.

While our recipe focuses on flavour, there are some shock value cheeseburger pizzas out there. Pizza Hut once famously (or infamously, depending on your opinion) created a “crown crust” made of mini burgersChampion Pizza in New York created a 40-pound monstrosity of a cheeseburger pizza in 2018: Stacks and stacks of meat, cheese and crust topped with pepperoni, all of which cost $2,000 and could feed a small army.

Our recipe hews to the classic. Think more crowd-pleasing back garden dinner, less food challenge. Burger patties are pre-cooked to medium on a cast-iron skillet or a grill and then crumbled on top of a base of mild mozzarella, sharp cheddar and sliced white onion. Diced tomatoes, shredded iceberg lettuce and a ketchup-mayo-mustard-relish sauce garnish the finished pizza after the bake. For an extra bump of flavour, we snuck some smoked paprika into our special sauce.

It’s a perfect addition to any back garden party. Hot dogs, refreshments, and a cheeseburger pizza. Hello, outdoor cooking season.

Cheeseburger Pizza